Apr 8, 2014 | Teaching Truth
Testing…Testing…Testing! My sweet girl has had testing anxiety since she was in Kindergarten. I never really understood why. Her daddy and I are the type of parents that don’t put a ton of pressure on her or expect her to score perfect 100’s or...
Mar 15, 2014 | Teaching Truth
Yesterday, I went to my son’s school and while his class was at the library I went into his classroom and made a small mess, hid a pot of gold, and dropped green confetti on each desk. When I picked him up from school, he told me all about it. He did say that...
Mar 8, 2014 | Teaching Truth
When I was a little girl I remember my parents purchasing this table. My mom was so excited! Little did I know that many memories would be made around the table. Growing up my family ate dinner most nights around “the table”, we played cards, board games,...
Mar 3, 2014 | Teaching Truth
A while back my youngest daughter came to me with a broken heart. She’s had several of her closest friends move away and she was feeling lonely. She expressed her concerns with tears flowing down her sweet face; she told me she desires strong good friendships that she...
Feb 26, 2014 | Teaching Truth
Today my heart was saddened as I looked through my front window and watched strangers take away Mrs. Nick’s treasures. My sweet neighbor lost her husband a few years ago and she has been receiving care from a retirement center they didn’t have any children...
Feb 12, 2014 | Teaching Truth
It’s my job to teach my children. I buy the books, the bibles, the devotions, we attend church regularly, and we pray often, but is that enough? Deuteronomy 6:5-9 5 And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. 6...