Books and Online Resources

This is a list of our favorite websites, books, and resources that we have found helpful and believe could benefit parenting and child development.


It’s the most important book and we pray that many children will read the Bible, know the Bible, understand the Bible, and that when they teach the Bible, people will be drawn to their teaching.

We love the action bible for boys…they love it!

One of our favorite Bibles for children is the Jesus Storybook Bible.

Great Books for new parents!

How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life

Understanding children’s overall development from 4-14

Touchpoints is a great book for new moms and dads!

This book will help you stay positive as a new mom! We loved how it is full of scripture and brought Biblical knowledge to everyday life! Power of a Positive Mom

Leading Kids to Jesus is a good book with practical advice! I read it a few years ago and still use some of the wording they recommend.

Every teacher should read this book!

Power of Our Words

Do you have a shy child?

I sure do…I really enjoyed this book. It helped me understand how to help her warm up, open up, and join in the fun! The Shyness Breakthrough


If you have a child that worries too much…this is a great interactive book that you can complete together. It’s a guide to help your child overcome anxiety.
What To Do When You Worry Too Much

Concerned about bedwetting/enuresis?

Consider learning more about this advanced and safe bed-pad and bed-wetting alarm system here.

Dr. Bazelton’s Books

We like all of Dr. Brazelton’s books. He has several easy-to-read books. Please remember that there is not a book out there that is perfect. I believe you have to take something from each book and make it fit your family.

Toilet Training

Joe White

My husband and I are huge Joe White fans! We love what he has to say and his passion for children is unbelievable! We had the honor of listening to him speak to a group of parents and we learned so much! He helped us understand technology and the danger behind it. This book is for parents with older children but trust me…they grow fast!
Pure Excitement: A Radical Righteous Approach to Sex, Love, and Dating

For Women

Every woman should read Captivating! I have actually read it several times!


The Big Messy Art Book

Hands Around the World: 365 Creative Ways to Build Cultural Awareness & Global Respect

2021 Summer Activities

***Please note that these books are just a suggestion from Building All Children***