play. explore. learn.
BUILDville is created to serve Tulsa families and assist children ages 3-8 and their families in navigating and responding appropriately in real-life situations, such as ordering at a restaurant.
Children, along with a parent or guardian, enter a world of pretend. Playing together and taking care of animals, shopping for groceries, fixing cars, learn to use a whisper voice in a church, and much more while creating fun memories.
BUILDville is a one-hour social playgroup or field trip. We are located inside Building All Children at 6910 S. 101st East Ave., Tulsa OK. See below for upcoming BUILDville sessions. For additional field trip information, please email BUILDville@buildingallchildren.org.
We hope you and your child will visit us at BUILDville.
BUILDville Field Trips are now available! We welcome classrooms to BUILDville to play, learn, and explore. Please email BUILDville@buildingallchildren.org for a sample copy of our Oklahoma state standardized BUILDville curriculum.
BUILDville Playgroup Registration:
Click on the date below to register for a BUILDville Social Playgroup.
Henry’s Hardware Store
At Henry’s Hardware Store the children will role play and welcome customers into the store, The children will help the “pretend customer” find what they need and develop cognitive skills by building with foam bricks and blocks. These skills help the children learn to problem solve, work together, communicate and BUILD many skills. In Henry’s Hardware Store there are several fine motor tasks that help strengthen writing skills and helps develop focus skills.
BUILD Church
The BUILD Church is a part of the BUILDville community where children learn to use a whisper voice and sit quietly. The children can play the piano, sequencing stories on the felt board and even sing a song. Children will BUILD the skills to speak in front of people at the pulpit and discuss how the church helps a community.
Anna’s Animal Hospital
Providing care for animals helps children learn to take care of animals and develop empathy. Empathy has to be taught and it is our desire for children to step into Anna’s Animal Hospital and help take care of the animals that are sick, need fed, or even groomed. Grab a Vet coat and help keep the animals healthy. The children will learn how to take the animals by taking their temperature, give them medication, and even wrapping up a broken bone. There is an examination table where small pretend surgeries happen. Come join the animal hospital where great care is provided.
DX Service Station
Did the car break down? Thinking and problem-solving skills are developed when trying to solve a problem such as fixing the car. Take it to DX Service Station and let your little one repair it and fill it up with gas. The DX Service Station also sells tires, and it not only helps the children learn to communicate their needs, but it also helps develop simple math skills and small, medium, and large quantities. You may want to drive to Dexter’s afterwards for lunch!
Dexter’s Diner
It’s lunch time! At Dexter’s Diner the children can take turns working through the different steps involved in going to a restaurant: ordering lunch, cooking the food, having a dinner time conversation and cleaning up. We love for children to come in and sit at the red booth, but we don’t want you to forget the Drive Thru!
Gus’ Grocery Market
Gus’ Grocery allows your child to explore adult roles and practice social skills. Together you can shop for and purchase groceries, pretend to pay and say thank you. As the employee, it’s time to assist the customer, sell the groceries, and organize the merchandise. Gus’s Grocery Market has a real grocery scanner and a cash register to help checkout the cutomer’s. The shopping carts allow for the children to have the full shopping experience.
Izzy’s Ice Cream Truck
Everyone loves an Ice Cream Truck! Develop conversation skills as you and your child take specific orders and sell and buy ice cream. The children can pretend to answer the phone and take call-in orders. They also learn the skills to check out their customers with a pink cash register. Watch out for the children when pretending to drive the ice cream truck through BUILDville.
BUILDville Mailman will deliver and collect mail at each of the businesses while BUILDville Janitorial Services is amazing at keeping our town clean. Community helpers keep BUILDville running and we are grateful for their hard work.
Sponsor a Playgroup
If you or your business would like to financially sponsor a BUILDville Playgroup, we would advertise the sponsorship on social media and event announcements. Please contact BUILDville@buildingallchildren.org to choose a playgroup month you would like to sponsor.