Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

What a great day it was…Mother’s Day is a day of celebration and I have to say that I LOVE this day! I love to celebrate my mom and I love to be celebrated! This year is different for me…I’ve been reading about the women in the Bible and the...
What is a house?

What is a house?

When I assess children, I want to know if they understand objects and can express to me what the objects are used for. (Example: What is a fence?  Typical answers: “for dogs” or “to keep my ball in my yard.” And even sometimes children will say…”to keep the bad guys...
Are they really ready for school?

Are they really ready for school?

We know their teachers, we know where their classes are located, we have delivered the school supplies, purchased new clothes, new shoes, and even decorated lockers but are they really ready?  Ready to conquer the world…to be set-apart.  Are their hearts strong but...


It is important to let children dream and let them dream BIG! Father, I pray that my children will dream and dream big.  I pray that they will know and understand that anything is possible with Your help. Philippians 4:13 “For I can do ALL things through Christ,...
Protection over Sibling Relationships

Protection over Sibling Relationships

This morning I pray for our children…I pray for protection over their relationship.  As an adult I see so many siblings and they don’t have a strong relationship.  Father, I pray that our children will always be bonded together, they will share life together, building...