Jul 16, 2014 | Child Development
I’m a huge fan of clipboards. Every car should have a clipboard with a pencil attached. Once again, this allows the child to draw at an angle; it’s easier for them to complete their tasks with success. Have them help you make the grocery list. They can even cross...
Jul 15, 2014 | Child Development
We know how important outdoor play is for children and how it helps them grow and develop in all areas of their life. But, we also make it too complicated…we think we have to have the latest and greatest Alpine custom swing set or the biggest Tikes Endless play set. ...
Jul 14, 2014 | Child Development
This week Building All Children will be focusing on fine motor skills and how to strengthen and enhance shoulder, arm, and wrist stability, as well as general hand muscle development. I was at a child care center last week and they had the children writing and drawing...