Jul 30, 2015 | Child Development
TheChurch at Midtown had a fun water day. I loved watching the children play! The church brought in a fire truck and they sprayed water for the children to play in. They also filled these tubs with shaving cream. The children covered themselves with shaving cream and...
May 6, 2015 | Prayers for children, Real stories-Real people
When I assess children, I want to know if they understand objects and can express to me what the objects are used for. (Example: What is a fence? Typical answers: “for dogs” or “to keep my ball in my yard.” And even sometimes children will say…”to keep the bad guys...
Oct 21, 2014 | Real stories-Real people
My family had a busy day, so we decided to go out for dinner. Everyone wanted to eat at a different place, and no one could agree on a restaurant. My husband mentioned a new place, and my oldest daughter quickly said, “No,” she doesn’t like to eat at places she’s not...