May 15, 2020 | Child Development, Development Talks
Today’s Q&A we will be visiting about Power Struggles! How to allow your child to have some POWER, but yet still be in charge!#BuildingAllChildren
May 15, 2020 | Wake Up with BAC
Feelings FridayThermometer
May 13, 2020 | Crafts and Sensory Activities, Easy Fun Activities
Happy Wacky Wednesday!! Wavie and I (Kristen) have been outside with our animals alot lately! They needed a really good scrubbing. For this fun and helpful activity you need the following items: *tub of warm soapy water (they used a tear free soap)*Scrub Brush*Wash...
May 13, 2020 | Wake Up with BAC
Wacky WednesdayArctic Animal Science
May 12, 2020 | Child Development, Development Talks
Enjoy this quick video on play and the stages your child will go through to build strong play skills! Unoccupied Play: infants make random movements which are not triggered by a clear purpose or action. Kicking, jerking and even making noises.Solitary Play: Children...