Nov 26, 2018 | Child Development
Building All Children is excited to share with you our 2018 Christmas List for Children! We have spent hours researching to provide you the best age-appropriate and development-building toys for your children. We desire for your family to slow down and enjoy the...
Nov 14, 2018 | Child Development, Events
Please join us this Friday, Nov.16th from 10-11am. The children will do an amazing craft, have circle time, and hear a story. They will take a book home and you will hear from Kendra about your child’s development and some ideas for the Holidays! Please RSVP to...
Sep 5, 2018 | Child Development, Events
Mark your calendar we have some exciting activities planned for our Talking is Teaching events. The children will have a craft to complete, will hear a story read to them, and the families will leave with more knowledge about their child’s development. Each...
Mar 28, 2018 | Child Development, Teaching Truth
We love teaching children about the Bible! I had the honor to share with some mighty Trojans what the Bible says about The Armor of God! We had a race of boys against girls to see who could put on the armor the quickest! The kids enjoyed the activity but most...
Mar 28, 2018 | Child Development
TEACHER WORKSHOPS! Building All Children creates new teacher workshops every year so teachers can be equipped to do the most important job…teaching children! This year our focus is on BEHAVIOR! Why do children have fear? Why do they need love? Do they need...
Dec 27, 2017 | Child Development
Are you wondering…How can my child seem sad when I spent hours shopping for him, buying toys, wrapping his presents, baking with him, watching Christmas movies together, traveling to see family, and even counting down the days until Christmas. The reality is...