Together, Serving Tulsa Families

Together, Serving Tulsa Families

Building All Children had a booth at the Family Fun Fair on Saturday!  We had SO much fun!  We had crafts, activities, or read to over 400 children!!!  Building All Children had amazing volunteers help us serve children and families!  It was so neat to see the Tulsa...
First Playgroup!

First Playgroup!

Wow… what a fun day!  I loved our first playgroup. We learned, played, and explored!!!  I met great moms and loved playing with their children.  We played with sand, blocks, puzzles, and painted.  We learned a new bible verse and talked about the Love of...
Water Art!

Water Art!

It’s beautiful day!!! Enjoy your time outside with Water Art! You can purchase the mustard and ketchup bottles at Dollar Tree. Fill them up with water and have your children create and design your sidewalk and driveway with Water Art!!! You can even have them...
Puzzle and Picture Fun!

Puzzle and Picture Fun!

This is a great way to increase language, work on visual discrimination, fine motor skills, and teach the Truth to your children. Take a puzzle and place pictures of your child behind the puzzle pieces. It will encourage them to talk about the pictures and you can...