May 6, 2020 | Crafts and Sensory Activities, Easy Fun Activities
Today’s experiment is all about making rain! This is a fun experiment to do with both younger children and older children. With older children, this is a great experiment to introduce or practice the Scientific Method! Mrs. Jones’ Creation Station has...
May 6, 2020 | Wake Up with BAC
Wacky WednesdaySpring Weather
May 5, 2020 | Child Development, Development Talks
Have you ever heard of Risky Play? Not many people have but it is an important part of play! Ellen Sandseter defines Risky Play as “challenging and adventerous physical activity”There are several different categories of Risky Play (see picture in...
May 4, 2020 | Easy Fun Activities, Movement Activities
Welcome to today’s SPRING edition of Movement Monday and #goodafternoonwithBAC Today Melissa has her children helping with some spring outdoor clean up, planting, and turtle fun. All of these activities have great development opportunities! We encourage you to...
May 4, 2020 | Wake Up with BAC
Movement MondaySpring!
May 1, 2020 | Playgroups, Videos
We had a BLAST at our Drive-Thru Playgroup! It was great to see many familiar faces and so many new faces!! HUGE shout out to all the amazing businesses who donated items to this playgroup: Fellowship Bible Church of Tulsa, OK – Thank you for hosting...