May 28, 2020 | Child Development, Development Talks, Videos
We are so excited about our LIVE Q&A time. Please join our guest, Dr. Amy Emerson while she share about how we should parent with a purpose! We have lots of great questions to answer! Please let us know if you need help!
May 22, 2020 | Development Talks, Videos
May 15, 2020 | Child Development, Development Talks
Today’s Q&A we will be visiting about Power Struggles! How to allow your child to have some POWER, but yet still be in charge!#BuildingAllChildren
May 12, 2020 | Child Development, Development Talks
Enjoy this quick video on play and the stages your child will go through to build strong play skills! Unoccupied Play: infants make random movements which are not triggered by a clear purpose or action. Kicking, jerking and even making noises.Solitary Play: Children...
May 8, 2020 | Child Development, Development Talks
Good afternoon with BAC. I’m excited to go live today and visit about your children and their senses! Yes! All of their senses! I will explain what sensory integration is, how your child takes in the information, and what some tools are that you can use to...