Sep 6, 2014 | Teaching Truth
When God calls us to do His work and to be obedient it doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. Yesterday, I met with a lady who works for YoungLives. It’s a beautiful ministry through YoungLife that ministers to teen moms. I didn’t really know...
Aug 3, 2014 | Teaching Truth
Thank you Pastor Alex for the reminder this morning about the love of Jesus! Why do we make it so complicated? All we need to know is that Jesus loves us. All we need to teach our children is that they are loved…loved by an amazing God!!!!
Jun 8, 2014 | Teaching Truth
Is it really needed? I had the honor to go speak at Moms of Multiples. I quickly realized that the room was full of some well experienced moms. Before the workshop started, the moms had their small group time. As I was setting up the table, I was listening to the...
Jun 2, 2014 | Teaching Truth
What a great reminder…walked through our family room and saw my grandmother’s Holy Bible covered with silly putty! LOVE IT!!! Love that the slimy putty was oozing down the bible. Made me think of a scripture…Deuteronomy 11:18-19 So commit...
May 20, 2014 | Teaching Truth
Sunday morning I had the opportunity to teach children the Truth! Thankful for a church that pours scripture into children. I was teaching Galatians 6:9 “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessings if we...
May 7, 2014 | Teaching Truth
When my grandfather passed away my grandmother came to me and asked me if there was anything I wanted of his. I didn’t even need to think about it…I quickly asked her if I could have his bible. My grandfather was such a Godly man. He displayed the fruit of the Spirit...