Building ’em up

Building ’em up

  Doing projects together strengthens your child in so many ways.  It allows them to have some independence while letting them complete a task. We decided to take this $5.00 chair and add a little color.  I love how he is paying attention to the details. This...
Tears over Tea

Tears over Tea

I had a mom text me “Kendra, my little girl has been diagnosed” I quickly replied back and asked her if she wanted to meet for some tea.  We met and she expressed what the evaluation reported and how the clinician explained her overall development.  This sweet mom...
Encouraging Words…

Encouraging Words…

My daughter came to me and told me she wanted to leave encouragement cards on all her friends’ desks. She went to her teacher and asked her if it would be okay for her and her friend to complete this task of encouragement. Her teacher thought about it and decided it...
Cold Beans!

Cold Beans!

Deuteronomy 15:11 There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. Today, I traveled to a little town and met a family that I thought I was going to help. A family...

“my world is falling apart”

Yesterday, I had the honor to visit with a mom that had been struggling for some time. It took a while for her to open up and trust, but once she realized she was in a safe place she began to express her pain, her concerns, her worries, her fears, and how she felt...

A Mother that Feels Helpless

It breaks my heart that a Jenks mom was found in her car with her three-year old daughter. The news reported that the Jenks police think she took her own life because she felt hopeless. They found her and her daughter in the garage with the car running. My heart is...