Apr 20, 2017 | Child Development
We had so much fun spending the evening with the Little Light House family! Tulsa’s Little Light House is internationally recognized for providing some of the most highly individualized, special education and therapeutic early intervention services in the world. A...
Jul 19, 2016 | Child Development, Events
Teaching Outside the Box – An active, engaging, and encouraging training for teachers this fall. Kendra Morgan of Building All Children is offering Teacher Workshops this fall. The title of the workshop is Teaching Outside The Box. Every child is uniquely made, so...
Mar 17, 2016 | Child Development, Easy Fun Activities
St. Patrick’s Day is a day of fun and learning. This awesome mom wanted to take advantage of this fun holiday and make it a learning experience. Seek and Find anything and everything that is green!!!…….impressed with all the ‘green’...
Dec 4, 2015 | Child Development
Building All Children Presents Top Toy list for Christmas 2015 These toys were recommended by local teachers, therapists, and parents. We provided scripture for you to reference when teaching your children the amazing Truth of God’s Love! Children Under...
Jul 30, 2015 | Child Development
TheChurch at Midtown had a fun water day. I loved watching the children play! The church brought in a fire truck and they sprayed water for the children to play in. They also filled these tubs with shaving cream. The children covered themselves with shaving cream and...
Jul 17, 2014 | Child Development
One way to help your children develop the tripod grip is to use broken crayons. I know…it’s hard to break those perfect crayons and you may be tempted to throw them away… No more! Children will develop the appropriate skills to start drawing, printing, and...