Happy Mother’s Day!

What a great day it was…Mother’s Day is a day of celebration and I have to say that I LOVE this day! I love to celebrate my mom and I love to be celebrated! This year is different for me…I’ve been reading about the women in the Bible and the examples they have provided for us. Hannah… what a beautiful example: 1 Samuel 2:1-10 is Hannah’s prayer and praise to the Lord.

I’m grateful that I have three beautiful children and I pray that I will provide for them and help teach them the Truth! I am Praising the Lord for my children and everyday that I get to be their mommy!

Today, I’m thinking about all the women that have lost a child, lost their mom, and all the women that desire to be a mommy!  My heart is heavy for the women that are hurting!

I’m also thinking about all the moms that serve their families day and night…I hope all the MOM’S had a VERY HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! I hope they felt loved and celebrated!!!

Mother's Prayer