Jan 15, 2016 | Donate 501(c)(3), Events
Please add this event to your calendar! Eat at Napa Flats and Building All Children will receive proceeds from your dinner. This event will allow us to help more children! We can’t wait to see you!!!!
Nov 1, 2015 | About BAC, Events
Building All Children had our Annual Benefit Dinner on October 4th, 2015 at the Church at Midtown. It took an amazing group of volunteers to plan and prepare for this evening, but I had no idea what God had in store…it was perfect! Our guests were greeted...
Sep 2, 2015 | Events, Uncategorized
We love this time of year! It’s time for our Annual Benefit Dinner. We cannot wait to share with you the details about our ministry and hear some beautiful stories from our families. Please let us know if you can attend!
Apr 21, 2015 | Events, Uncategorized
Building All Children had a booth at the Family Fun Fair on Saturday! We had SO much fun! We had crafts, activities, or read to over 400 children!!! Building All Children had amazing volunteers help us serve children and families! It was so neat to see the Tulsa...