Meet Our Team

Becky Williamson

Becky Williamson

Social Worker and Intake Coordinator

Becky lives in Tulsa with her husband, Josh, and three children. She loves the Lord and could spend hours bible quilting, verse mapping, and reading scripture. Their family enjoys being at home together, playing games, cooking, and playing outside. Becky is a homebody that loves to read, craft, create, bullet journal, snowboard, and take frequent naps. In the summers the Williamson’s can be found at the lake on the weekends and in the mountains relaxing and enjoying the cooler weather. Becky is very involved at Asbury church and loves volunteering in the Kids ministry, VBS, and being a member of governance.

Becky’s heart has been for children as long as she can remember. As a Certified Child Life Specialist at Colorado Children’s Hospital and St. Francis Children’s Hospital, she prepared children for procedures, normalized the hospital experience, and made sure developmental milestones were being met for long term patients. She looks forward to helping the families at Building All Children have the resources needed for their child to grow into exactly who God created them to be.