Jun 12, 2015 | Real stories-Real people
He ran in, stopped, looked around, and headed straight to the toy table. He had his eye on something the entire time while he was waiting in line… Building All Children had the honor of partnering with a church that served their community one last time before...
May 10, 2015 | Prayers for children
What a great day it was…Mother’s Day is a day of celebration and I have to say that I LOVE this day! I love to celebrate my mom and I love to be celebrated! This year is different for me…I’ve been reading about the women in the Bible and the...
Mar 27, 2015 | Teaching Truth
Welcome to spring! It’s here…tornado season. The first day of spring was Friday, March 20th, and Wednesday night after getting all the children home from school, we knew that some storms could be headed our way. The next thing I knew, the sirens were going off, my...
Jan 30, 2015 | Real stories-Real people
In May, 2014 I received a referral to help a little boy with anxiety. I thought it was going to be just a simple case, but little did I know that my heart would be heavy, and God would put this mom in my thoughts often. This particular case the mom completed a...