Workshops and Events 2019
Friday, January 25th- Speaking at Trojans for Christ
Monday, January 28th- Speaking at ABC Fellowship Bible Church
Saturday, February 2nd- Speaking at Parent Conference at FBC
Wednesday, February 6th- Speaking at MOPS First Baptist Church Jenks
Sunday, February 10th- Speaking at FBC-Jenks Volunteer Training
Wednesday, February 20th- Speaking at Jenks Public Schools
Wednesday, February 20th- Speaking at Asbury Preschool- Teacher Workshop
Monday, March 11th- Corporate Luncheon 12:00-1:00pm at One Warren Patriot Auditorium 6100 South Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74126
Wednesday, March 13th- Speaking at Moms to Moms
Friday, April 5th- Speaking at The Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma- Group Leader Summit
Thursday, April 10th- Little Light House Resource Fair
Friday, May 10th- Speaking at Trojans for Christ
Friday, September 6th-7th Speaking at Cavetime Ministry
Kendra will be a guest speaker at Cavetime USA this Fall.
Saturday, July 27th -Preschool Volunteer Training for First Baptist Jenks
Wednesday, August 7th – Preschool Teacher Workshop- Asbury United Methodist
Completed Workshops and Events 2018
January 8th- Speaking Event at TEPF
January 23rd: Talking is Teaching- Where: theChurch Downtown (1915 E. 3rd Street) Time: 6pm-7pm -Please join us for pizza, storytime, and crafts. RSVP to
February 20th: Talking is Teaching- Where: theChurch Downtown (1915 E. 3rd Street) Time: 6pm-7pm -Please join us for pizza, storytime, and crafts. RSVP to
February 23rd: Talking is Teaching-Where: Building All Children Office 5550 S. Lewis Ave. Suite 202 Time: 11am-12pm Please join us for pizza, storytime, and crafts. RSVP to
March-Spring Break- NO Talking is Teaching
April 17th: Talking is Teaching- Where: theChurch Downtown (1915 E. 3rd Street) Time: 6pm-7pm -Please join us for pizza, storytime, and crafts. RSVP to
April 19th: The Little Light House -Community Resource Fair 6-7:45pm 5120 East 36th Street
April 25th: Moms to Moms -Coffee and Table Talk- 10am-11:30am- Fellowship Bible Chuch
April 27th: Talking is Teaching-Where: Building All Children Office 5550 S. Lewis Ave. Suite 202 Time: 11am-12pm Please join us for pizza, storytime, and crafts. RSVP to
May 15th: Talking is Teaching- Where: theChurch Downtown (1915 E. 3rd Street) Time: 6pm-7pm -Please join us for pizza, storytime, and crafts. RSVP to
May 25th: Talking is Teaching-Where: Building All Children Office 5550 S. Lewis Ave. Suite 202 Time: 11am-12pm Please join us for pizza, storytime, and crafts. RSVP to
Completed Workshops and Events 2017
November 15th: Coffee and Table Talk at The Kirk 9am-11am
November 17th: Talking is Teaching- 11am-12pm at the Building All Children Office: 5550 S Lewis Ave. Suite 202 Tulsa. Please RSVP to
November 19th: From Fear to Love-
free event will feature a large group gathering where we will share stories that reveal the importance of finding homes for children. After the gathering there will be resource fair and Building All Children will have a booth to provide resources to families. This event will be at First Baptist Jenks from 5 to 7pm.
December 6th: Speaking at First Baptist Jenks
January 8th: TEPF- Speaking Event
January 17th: Speaking at Sanctuary’s Moms Group
November 12th- Annual Benefit Dinner = SOLD OUT
Where: Southern Hills Baptist Church – 2218 E 56th Pl, Tulsa
Time: 6pm
Please purchase tickets! We also need volunteers! If you have questions please contact
October 28th: TulsaKids Spotlight on Special Needs Event
Time: 10am-2pm
Where: OU-Tulsa, 4502 E. 41st St.
What: Spotlight on Special Needs, presented by TulsaKids, is a free and open-to-the-public event that will feature four speakers as well as informational and resource booths providing products related to behavioral, physical, developmental or emotional special needs. The speakers will present information on communicating with schools on IEPs; finding support and resources through the Oklahoma Parents Center, and more.
(volunteers needed –
October 17th: Talking is Teaching
Where: TheChurch at Downtown – 1915 E 3rd St, Tulsa
Time: 6pm-7pm
Join us for a free meal and a free book
October 27th: Talking is Teaching
Where: BAC Office – 5550 S. Lewis Ave.
Time: 11am-12pm
Join us for a free meal and a free book
September 25th- Moms & Mentors Kick-Off
September 19th- Received the Nation for Neighbors Grant
We are thankful we get to serve the Tulsa community! We know there are children that need our program…and we are grateful to be able to help build development!! Building All Children by Encouraging All Families!
Posted by Building All Children on Thursday, September 21, 2017
August 23rd- Boston Avenue-Teacher
August 22nd-ABC Fellowship-Teacher Workshop
August 21st- Kirks Preschool-Teacher Workshop
August 4th -The Lords Little Army- Teacher Workshop
July 29th- Coffee and Table Time- theChurch at Midtown- 10am
July 18th-Talking is Teaching-theChurch at Downtown 6pm-7pm
June 4th- Asbury United Methodist Church- Speaking Event
June 3rd- Drillers Stadium Night! 7-9pm We are so excited that the Tulsa Drillers will be announcing Building All Children as there non-profit program for the evening. We will have a table set up with activities behind first base on the concourse. We would love for you to join us! contact:
April 29th- TCC Fun Fair- 7505 W 41st Street South 10a.m.-2p.m.- Volunteers Needed please contact
April 13th- Little Light House Resource Fair- The Little Light House 6-8 P.M.
Completed Workshops and Events 2016
January 9th- Children’s Event-The Church at Downtown
January 12th- PEO (Philanthropic Educational Organization) for women. Speaking about Building All Children and our mission.
January 13th- Women’s Expo-The Church at Midtown
January 20th- Women’s Expo-The Church at BattleCreek
February 2nd- Mothers of Multiplies- Asbury United Methodist Church
February 21st- Sharing with Harvard Avenue Christian Church- Tulsa
March 23rd- MOPS- (Easter Clinic) First Baptist Jenks
April 9th- Week of the Young Fun Fair- TCC West Campus
April 21st- The Little Light House Annual Resource Fair- 5120 E 36th Street, Tulsa, from 6-7:30 P.M.
April 28th- Jodie’s Home- An evening full of stories, laughter, and building friendships!
May 6th- Speaking at Parent Child Dedication- The Church at Midtown- 6P.M.
May 20th -Coffee & Table Talk- Should we have family goals? Goals for our children? Come talk and share! Harvard Avenue Christian Church – 10:30 A.M. and 6:00 P.M
June 12th- Training about children Birth to Three Years Old (Ages and Stages)- Harvard Avenue Christian Church – 12:00-2:00 PM
July 30th-Speaking at a Women’s Event- The Church at Midtown
August 23rd- Teaching Out of the Box- Faith United Methodist
August 25th- Teaching out of the Box- ABC Fellowship Preschool
September 25th-Building All Children’s Annual Dinner
Completed Workshops and Events 2015
November 11th- MOMS and TOTS- Fellowship Bible Church
November 14th- Family Workshop- Boston Avenue United Methodist Church November 18th- Power of a Positive Mom- The Kirk November 22nd- Sharing my name for God- Southern Hills Baptist Church October 21st- MOPS -Sanctuary Church October 10th Trojan Tough 5K and Fun Run-Building All Children has been sponsored to have a booth! For more information: -Jenks Public Schools October 4th- Annual Benefit Dinner- 6:00P.M. -38th and Lewis (theChurch at Midtown)October 6th- Coffee and Table Talk-9:30 A.M. Fellowship Bible ChurchThe Kirk- 10:00 A.M. – Coffee and Table Time- August (TBA) Family Workshop- Lake Hill Montessori August 17th- Teacher Workshop Understanding Children and their Senses- SSB Kids/Kids in Motion August 19th- Teacher Workshop Understanding Children and their Senses- Asbury Methodist PreschoolAugust 21st- Teacher Workshop Understanding Children and their Senses- Faith United Methodist
August 23rd- Sharing my Story- Jodi’s Home
August 25th- Teacher Workshop- Understanding Children and their Senses- Boston Avenue Church
August 27th- Teacher Workshop Understanding Children and their Senses- ABC Fellowship Bible Preschool
August 30th- Volunteer Workshop- How to Mold their Hearts Forever- The Kirk
September 13th- Family Workshop- The Kirk
September 20th- Volunteer Workshop- First Baptist Jenks
May 13th- Coffee & Talk – Lake Hill Montessori
May 14th- Family Workshop -Lake Hill Montessori
May 17th – Family Workshop-First Baptist Jenks Church
April 23th-Free Family Fun Fair- 10am-2pm TCC West Campus 7505 W 41st South 74107
April 9th- Community Resource Fair- Little Light House (5120 East 36th Street) 6:00-7:45 pm.
March 7th-Princesses and Pancakes-First Baptist Jenks Church
March 11th-MOPS Group-Sanctuary Church, Jenks
January 25th- Teaching Takes GUTTs First Baptist Jenks
January 14th-Volunteer Training for theChurch at Midtown
Completed Workshops and Events 2014
December 13th- Adopt(ed) Moms Christmas Brunch
November 21st- Baby Dedication-theChurch at Midtown
November 14th-Family Workshop-First Presbyterian Church of Tulsa
November 12th- Christmas Traditions-Fellowship Bible Church
November 3rd-Christmas Traditions-MOMS (Moms on Mondays @First Presbyterian Church)
October 22nd-MOPS -First Baptist Jenks Church
October 7th-Coffee and Family Time = Learning the stages of development
September 20th-Pray-n-Play -theChurch @ Midtown
June 18th- Family Time and Activities at Fellowship Bible Church
June 11th- Pray-N-Play and Story-N-Truth Time at Fellowship Bible Church
June 3rd- Appropriate Play Activities at Moms of Multiples
May 14-Summertime Activities for Children at Fellowship Bible Church
April 5th-TheChurch@Midtown Moms and Midtown Ministry
March 26th The Next Generation Conference will be focusing on children, youth and families ministries
Geared Up to Teach the Truth (GUTTs)
We are excited to introduce our new training this fall – it is called GUTTs. GUTTs (Geared Up to Teach the Truth) is a practical yet interactive training that will enable all who attend with ideas that can be implemented in the classroom. We know that teaching takes GUTTs and we are excited to provide this training that will strengthen your teachers, challenge your program, and encourage children to understand Jesus deeper.