Building All Children’s 5th Annual Benefit Dinner was AMAZING! Humbled is how my heart feels, thankfulness cannot even be described and I’m overwhelmed with abundant joy! Every seat was full and the evening could not have been more special. From our guest speakers, to the children that participated, to all the amazing volunteers, everything came together and it was a beautiful evening.
We raised the most funding we have ever raised and made connections that will allow us to keep building! Building children, building families, and building the Kingdom! I shared that when we created Building All Children, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, I had several business men tell me that in 5 years BAC would either close down or take off and I had the privilege to announce our TAKE-OFF! Exciting things are happening and we are helping many families and changing lives forever!
The venue, Spain Ranch, was breathtaking and allowed our guests to feel comfortable. The peace in the room was God-given and it will be a night we will never forget! Thank you to ALL who made this evening happen. You will NEVER know how grateful I am.
Right before the event started I took a deep breath and looked around…I saw volunteers working hard, the fundraising committee adding their magical touches, and the BAC Team/Board of Directors making everything perfect! My heart was overwhelmed knowing that only the Lord could orchestrate so many people involved to help BUILD children.
The registration table was ready to greet our guests! Huge thank you to all our Corporate Sponsors! Because of YOU we will continue to Build children!
The tables were prepared for our guests. Ready for an evening of great stories, lots of laughter, and relationship building.
We believe in the power of stories! Our guests did not have a table number to sit at…they had a child’s name along with the child’s story! Each guest was represented by a child.
The chairs were filled and the white barn was full!
The silent auction was AMAZING! The donations that we received allowed us to raise funding to help more children. THANK YOU for all the beautiful donations!
Who covers the heavens with clouds, Who provides rain for the earth, Who makes grass to grow on the mountains. -Psalm147:8
Only the Lord, and we are grateful for the way He is providing! He provides in mighty ways…and we are thankful!
Thank you to ALL the restaurants and gift shops that donated gift cards…we are grateful! They sold out quickly and provided great funding! THANK YOU!
The Raffle was a HUGE success! Thank you Luxe Furniture and Design and Hasty Bake! We are grateful for your giving! You helped make a few of our guests very happy and allowed us to raise more funding for therapy for children. THANK YOU!
This is one of my favorite parts about the evening…the kid volunteers! They ALL worked so hard to help serve our guests! Very grateful for these kids and their hearts to help children!
Before the guests arrived we took time to thank the Lord for all that he has done! It was an overwhelming feeling (I might have even ugly cried)! It just amazes me how many people we have believing in this program and helping us build this ministry so we can build more children and families!
This is the CREW! The crew that helped me start it from the beginning! They have been involved with every step and have worked countless hours and I love them dearly! This is my family, and together with God’s glory, and an incredible BAC team, we are helping children and family!
This crew worked HARD! Serving all our guests’ dinner, filling up drinks, taking trash, serving dessert, and helping in many other ways! Grateful!
Having the Emert family involved always makes for a special evening. Luke Emert has not only provided his gifts and talents to our program, but he and his amazing wife also helped build and design our office so our reading program will have success! Thanks, Emert Interiors!
Luke played the guitar while our guests mingled and enjoyed dinner. Thank you, Luke, for sharing your talents!
Ginger Ford and Ginger Coffey were the Co-Chairs of the Fundraising Committee and I cannot express in words how thankful I am for their time, talents, and devotion to the Lord and to children. They created an unbelievable team that worked great together, and brought different strengths to the table! Thank you- Shonda Wagner, Ronnie Williams, Wendy Haines, Julie Khalil, Kim McGinty, Teena Lowery, Elizabeth Paitsel, and of course Ginger Ford and Ginger Coffey! These ladies did an amazing job! Their entire families were involved and I am forever grateful! From unloading the cars, to decorating the tables, wrapping the napkins, making signs, sending invitations, ordering supplies, picking up tablecloths, managing the food, creating the silent auctions, and planning the entire event for months….THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
The silent auction was a huge success and our guests left with some amazing items!
Thank you EBdesigns! We are grateful for your giving and your talent! Our guests left with some amazing earrings! THANK YOU!
Ginger Ford sharing about Co-Chairing the event and why she has a passion for Building All Children!
It was an honor to share about Building All Children!
The highlight of the evening was our guest BAC child! He did his amazing Jimmy Fallon thank you’s and added a twist of Heather Land’s “I Ain’t Doin’ It.” He stole the spotlight…and we all LOVED HIM!
We had great guest speakers that shared how Building All Children helped their family. Jamie did an amazing job sharing!
The Asbury women made dessert for all our guests and the kids served the dessert!
Julie is a true gift from the Lord! She is the one that placed each guest at their table making sure each guest would feel comfortable and invited! The BAC team is a better team because of Julie! She is a ROCK STAR!
This is what the entire evening is about…CHILDREN! Helping children build their development and empowering families to know how to advocate for their children!
Deedra Determan was our emcee for the evening! Thank you, Deedra!
Heather Turner from Anthem Road Academy sang a beautiful song for us! Thank you, Heather!
Both of you helped us make the night special!
Thank you, Thank you, to all our guest that spent the evening with us. We are so glad you could be a part of our special evening!
HUGE thank you to Randy Yeats photography for donating your time and talents! We are grateful!
If you were unable to attend our event but would like to help BUILD children and their families please donate to
We are thankful for your support!